Sunday, 19 February 2017

Sausage and onion in puff pastry

2 sausages, chopped
Half an onion, chopped
Puff pastry
Worcestershire sauce
25g cheddar cheese

1. Preheat oven to 200°C / 400°F / gas 6. Grease a baking tray

2. Fry the sausages and onions for about 10 minutes until brown.

3. Add a few drops of worcestershire sauce and stir

4. Cut out a circle of the puff pastry about 15cm in diameter. Place on the baking tray.

5. Using a knife, lightly make a circle 3cm from the edge, but dont cut all the way through

6. Put the sausage and onions on the puff pastry inside the inner circle, leaving the outer edge clear

7. Sprinkle the cheese in middle

8. Bake for 20 minutes until pastry is puffed up and brown

Serves 1